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Ross Michaels Salon Consent Form


Initials____1. Getting the desired target lightness or shade may require multiple appointments. Many variables can have an affect on the hairs ability to lighten. Natural color, genetics, hormones, previous treatments, previous colors or lighteners, mineral deposits, medications, surgery, environmental factors, and current hair condition all play major roles in the outcome of a lightening/color service.

A mandatory strand test will be performed.


Initials____2. Ross Michaels Salon will charge for our services at each multiple session appointment whether the goal color was achieved that day or not. We will not push here past it’s limits. Warmth will still be present in the hair between sessions. Additional appointments are in no way considered to be a fix or a redo. To be very clear!


Initials____3. On scalp lightening/color. On rare occasions may cause a reaction to the scalp and or hairline area on the day of service and or occurring days post service. Reactions may be due to genetics, allergies, hormones, previous treatments, previous colors or lighteners, mineral deposits, medications, surgery, scalp conditions and or abrasions, environmental factors, and current hair products used. Ross Michaels Salon assumes no liability for said reactions and will be paid for time & work. See next line.


Initials____4. On scalp lightening/color may cause mild discomfort to the scalp/hairline area which is considered to be normal. 

It is “you the client’s responsibility” to inform your stylist if you are experiencing any pain and/or if the process has become intolerable in any way. 

We then must rinse all products immediately. 

Let it be known that the goal color will then never be achieved. 

Ross Michaels assumes no liability and will be paid for our time and work. 

Client then assumes all costs to correct under lifted color through only off-scalp techniques. 

This is not considered to be a redo. Ross Michaels Salon will be paid for our time and work. 


Initials____5. With any lightening service, there is a 100% chance for some level of hair damage/breakage no matter how much bond building product is used. It is the stylist’s experience and skill to determine how much stress the hair can take in one single session to maintain optimal care health. This is our number one goal! If we feel the integrity of the hair is becoming compromised, The lightener will be rinsed. Ross Michaels will still charge for all services that were performed.


Initials____6. The salon has great success achieving most people's goals. But, there will always be a possibility that the desired lightness/color may never be achieved at all. Referred back to line one and two. In this instance Ross Michaels will still charge for all services that were performed. We will not refund for our time or work.


I________________________________ agree to the statements above.___________Date




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